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rick fox中文是什么意思

用"rick fox"造句"rick fox"怎么读"rick fox" in a sentence


  • 里克・福克斯


  • Even if odom got high before every game , i ' d still take him over glen rice or rick fox
  • Sick of the constant scrutiny inherent in celebrity relationships , she returned to her high school sweetheart , a law student ; but that didn t protect her from the rumors , most recently linking her with la lakers kobe bryant , rick fox , and even teresa weatherspoon , who plays for new york in the wnba . in interviews , however , tyra often says that she is looking for a " normal guy " , albeit a tall one - she measures 5 11 " . tyra appeared in one or two movies during this time , but only really began to work in hollywood last year , with a small part in love stinks
    相对于模特儿界的辉煌,在戏剧演出上班克斯才刚起步,她第一次出现在萤光幕前,是在nbc的电视节目the fresh prince of bel - air中担任jackie的角色,在剧中,她展现了她优雅的跳跃身段,之后她又在福斯的new york undercover中现身,更在abc的wonderful world of disney节目life size中饰演一个意外获得生命的娃娃,可谓游走于各大电视频道中。
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